Our vehicle testing solutions
Our services cover both complete vehicles and their components.
Our tests cover a wide range of requirements: electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), environment, reliability, emissions and fuel consumption, and more.
Depending on the field concerned, our resources are aimed at vehicles in categories L (2-wheeled and three-wheeled motorized vehicles), M (personal cars, minibuses, buses. ..), N (vans, trucks, heavy goods vehicles), T (agricultural and forestry tractors) or even C (construction vehicles).
From evaluation to homologation!
Vehicle EMC testing - ECE R10 approval and more
The Emitech Group's Montigny-le-Bretonneux (Île-de-France region, near Paris) and Etupes (Burgundy-Franche-Comté region, near the Swiss border) vehicle test centers are recognized as specialized technical services.
These centers carry out homologation tests in accordance with current ECE R10 (UNECE R10) regulations.
These tests are essential to guarantee the electromagnetic compatibility of vehicles.
On this basis, the CNRV (Centre national de réception des véhicules) issues the European type approval (EU type approval).
Focus on our very large Faraday cage in Montigny le Bretonneux
It features two Faraday cages, a control center, a preparation box, a parklift and confidentiality areas.
The larger Faraday cage is equipped with a roller bench and is dedicated to radiated testing.
The second Faraday cage doubles the center's capacity, enabling it to implement the tests conducted
Our facility integrates various easements to open up to all current and future motorizations: gasoline or diesel combustion engine, hybrid, electric, hydrogen.
- Dimensions: 27 x 18 x 10,5m
- Cage type: SAC 10m
- Entrance door: 4.8m x 4.8m
- Height: 9.45m
- Turntable: 11m, 12t with roller bed (2 or 4-wheel drive, 6 t/axle, wheelbase from 1.7m to 6m, max. speed 120 km/h, max. wind tunnel 60 km/h)
- Heavy zone: 12m x 6 m, 40t
- Chamber temperature maintenance: 23°C ±5
EMC standards
- ISO 11451-2, 3 & 4
- CISPR 12& 36
- ISO 10605
- EN 61000-4&5
- UN ECE R10
- UN ECE R116
Manufacturer specifications
- Renault
- Stellantis
- Etc.
Technical elements dedicated to vehicles
Charging station for EVs (AC& DC)
- AC power up to 50kVA
- DC power up to 400kW
- Mode 1, 2, 3 and 4
- Electric vehicle charging and discharging system
Driving robot
- Driving vehicles on dynamometer chassis for EMC testing
EMC capacity
Radiated electric field, 10 kHz to 6 GHz, up to 100 V/m (CW, AM, PM)
Fixed in-vehicle transmitters and portable transmitters with in-vehicle antenna, 26 MHz-2.62 GHz
Radiated electric field, 30MHz-18GHz, 10m or 3m, VP& HP, FFT mode Radiated magnetic and electric field, 9kHz-30MHz
Conduction emission test, 9kHz-30MHz, AC-DC telecom ports, LV&HV, FFT mode
Harmonics and flickers for electric vehicles
Umax: 400V AC, Imax:75A
Fast / burst electric transients for electric vehicles
Umax:400V AC , Imax:100A
Electrostatic discharges
±25kV, RH compliance
Optimization and validation of vehicle performance and emissions
The Emitech group has the means to characterize and homologate emissions on cycle and in real driving conditions: RDE.
Our Osny technical center (35 kilometers northwest of Paris) is accredited NF EN ISO17025 for these services. Limit operating conditions in a climatic environment can be assessed on our climatic chassis dynamometer located in Achères (23 kilometers northwest of Paris). These two resources enable us to support our customers in the development and certification of their thermal and hybrid powertrains.
- characterization and tuning (WLTC, NEDC,... )
- Validation tests, cycle measurements, CO2, pollutants (CO, HC, NOx) and particulates
Our main test bench is aimed at light vehicles (Thermal, Hybrid, Electric) or LDV (Light Duty Vehicle) which group together M1 and N1 categories (with the possibility of homologating N2 vehicles following derogations). Under recent measurement protocols such as Euro 6, measurements on roller benches are supplemented by measurements under real driving conditions RDE, measurements carried out with PEMS
PEMS (Portable Emission Measurement System) are used to perform RDE (Real Driving Emissions) measurements in addition to pollutant emission measurements based on laboratory exhaust emissions measurements (using the WLTC cycle).
These measurements are an integral part of Euro 6 approvals and future developments.
Climate chambers with roller benches
Running tests can be carried out in extreme temperature ranges (cold and high-temperature running) as well as cold and high-temperature start-up tests.
Tests can be implemented to meet our customers' needs in terms of validation and/or development of a product or function.
These test facilities can also be used to carry out tests on sub-assemblies in accordance with manufacturers' standards and specifications (e.g. CL08 tests to PSA standard B21 7130).
Acoustic tests on vehicles, NVH...
Our acoustic test center enables us to carry out the following measurements on vehicles
- interior noise
- rolling noise
- GMP noise, intake, exhaust
- vibratory analysis, NVH
- Dimension: 10 m x 6 m x 7 m (LxWxH) - Useful volume : 420 m3
- Cutoff frequency less than 50 Hz
- Background noise less than 18 dB(A)
- Allowed height of 4 m
- Temperature and humidity regulation
- 96 simultaneous acquisition channels
- Bench 4 independent rollers 4x2 or 4x4 (Wheelbase: 1m70 to 3m70 and Track: 0m90 to 2m10, 240 km/h , 2t / axle)